
Why should you read my blog?

The basis of my blog is access control at application level, for example SAP. Hence many topics will revolve around SAP.  Topics around project management, leadership, strategy and similar will also find its way to my blog.

So if you are interested in application level security and the surrounding areas, like Identity & Access Management, SAP, Management, Sales and much much more, I hope you want to follow me.

Why I am blogging?

My background for writing this blog comes from 2011, where I wrote an article for Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger (Danish version of Financial Times). Although the format of books can be “stiff”, my experience with the process of writing an article was very positive.

Who am I?

Kenneth Hartvig

In my professional life I have 4 great passions; SAP Security + Identity & Access Management + Business Development + Leadership. I am easily inspired with new ideas for business Development, and I do my best to contribute with my insight on how to make things better for my clients.

As a leader a key focus point for me is; involvement – I want to know my employees. I want to involve them in the decision process. I want to create ownership and commitment. To me involvement is the best way of unlocking people’s potential to becoming better.

On the technical side my relationship with my first great love, SAP, started in 2003. Since then, through participation in various courses, seminars, conferences and of course many exciting projects, I have gained a broad experience in developing, implementing, managing, operating and auditing SAP security solutions.
It was also in connection with simplification of SAP access management, I moved into the Identity & Access Management sphere. Since then I have completed several IAM projects with various software solutions, incl. Control SA, TIM, MS FIM and Omada.

According to the last Myers-Briggs type indicator test I took I am an = E N F P

But, what does it mean? I got the below from www.personalitypage.com/ENFP.html

ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it.


How to contact me?

To get a hold of me use one of the following channels

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethhartvig
Email: k.hartvigh@gmail.com
Phone: +45 30 62 33 44

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